New Pug Painting (A84) ~ He is NOT with Me!


Happy Monday everyone!

I had so much FUN creating a these silly pug buddies for you to enjoy!
They were inspired by all of the smiles you have shared with me of your pugs and dogs enjoying their Barkclava dog hats this year!
I titled this one ~ He is NOT with Me!
I see the obvious excitement & glee in the eyes of the lucky puggy who just put on his new hat with his embarrassed brother standing right next to him feeling mortified. 🙂

A pug expression can say 1,000 words!

Much like sweet Mitzu who proudly wore her new sweater vestwhile her cousin Libby looked deflated in the background that she did not have one yet. 🙂

After her mom saw her face, happily Libby soon got one too!

I took photos for you as I painted to see the painting pop to life!

Here is the pencil sketch on wood of the 2 brothers…
I cannot wait to get started!

First, I start with the fur and some of the shading.

Next, I go in for the darker shapes and the expressions start popping in like magic.

Now it is time to choose the colors for the Barkclava and background.

…and finally the muzzles and smiles get painted!

I think their mouths really give away how they are feeling!

Do you think so too?
Now the final lines and wrinkles are added.
and Voila!
Pug Painting ~ Design A84
He is NOT with Me!
Is complete!
These funny brothers are now pug design A84 on my website .
It is now available for you all to enjoy on all of my products where you can choose the design.
Now you know what I did this weekend! 🙂
Archie and I are so excted that so many of our friends met this weekend in Milwaukee, WI at the Milwaukee Pug Fest and were also a part of the 1000 Pugs Art Book Shoot!
Please leave me a note and tell me all about your adventures!
We cannot wait to hear!
Melissa & Archie

New Item ~ Travel Bag ~ Makes Organizing FUN!


Happy Tuesday everyone!

I am sooooo excited to release my new travel accessory just in time for Summer!

Introducing… New Travel Cases!
Travel in style and keep everything  organized!
I am so excited about these new wonderful cases!
You can use them to organize anything!
Travel • Dog Treats & Toys • First Aid • Road Trips
  • 8″ x 9″ X 22″ (Opened)
  • Secure double zipper and velcro closures.
  • Sleek fold out design.
  • 3 interior pockets to keep everything organized.
  • Use to organize anything!
  • Great for travel, first aid kits,  pets, kids and even art supplies!
  • Removable hook allows you to hang it or use the top handle to  carry it as a bag.
You get to choose from any of my pug or dog paintings to put on your Travel Cases!
R-Chee are so excited to offer this fun new accessory!

He already has his favorite treats and stuffies pulled out for me to pack in his.
He is having a picnic lunch in the backyard today and cannot wait for me to pack his new bag for him!

If you would like more information about the bags or to place your order, please visit the Travel Cases on where you will also find detailed product information & pricing.
Please contact me anytime with any questions!
Melissa & Archie

New Pug Painting (A83) ~ Pretty In Pink


Happy Monday Everyone!

R-Chee and I had so much FUN making this new pug painting for you to enjoy!
She seemed to be asking for a pretty pink background to surround her and I think she was exactly right! 🙂

I LOVE her expression!

She has that inquistive look like she is asking if it is “Pug Time” yet.
I always think it is pug time since Archie is usually sleeping on my feet, even when I am working at my desk, but true pug time for Archie is when I drop everything and pick up his favorite toy, leash or the food scoop! 🙂
I snapped a couple of photos while I was painting this weekend to share with you as this little pug popped to life right in front of my eyes!

Here she is before I added her final lines and wrinkles.

…and here she is all done on my art table drying.
How FUN!
This little puggy is now pug design A83 on my website and is now available for you all to enjoy on all of my products where you can choose the design.
Now you know what I did this weekend! 🙂
Please leave me a note and tell me all about you adventures!
We cannot wait to hear!
Melissa & Archie

New Pug Painting (A82) ~ I Smell Something Good!


Happy Wednesday everyone!

Archie and I are so excited to show you another new painting we just finished! 🙂
This little puggy just got a sniff of a wafting scent coming from the kitchen!
He is on high alert for fresh baked treats!
We imagine this is how the puggies look all the time at Pugs In The Kitchen located in IN.
They are a wonderful 100% natural and made with love dog bakery that now ships their cookies around the whole USA!
Archie just loves their cookies, and we know you will too!
I just love the expression on this close up pug painting!
I took lots of photos for you as I painted it to see it come to life!

Pencil sketch on wood
The acrylic paint has begun to be applied.
I fill in each of the areas with color and then begin the shading.
After the pug is the way I like him, I fill in the background and the final touch are the fine lines to make him pop to life!
Ta Da!
Archie approves but insists he does not get mesmerized by wafting smells. 🙂
Ok… R-Chee
I believe you… really I do!
tee hee!
This little puggy is now pug design A82 on my website and is now available for you all to enjoy on all of my products where you can choose the design.

New Pug Painting (A81) ~ Pug Bliss


Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I am soooo excited to show you my new pug painting~ Pug Bliss ~ (Pug Design A81)

This pug makes me smile!

He is showing us the meaning of Pug Bliss ~
You know that look… You can see it when your puggy is relaxing in the sun looking up with both eyes close and happily panting?
He or she is enjoying every inhale and exhale, celebrating it so much that you can hear from across the room? 🙂
Well, that is who showed up on my art table today!
I love all the puggies that come in to greet me as I never truly know what they will look like before I am done with my last stroke of the brush. I captured some photos for you while I was painting him…

Here he is before his tongue is painted.
…and here he is after I painted it in!
I love how his smile came to life with just a bit of shading!
Next come the fine lines and wrinkles that will give him more shape and character.
Ta Da!
Oooo Momma I can do that… seeeeee?

Yes, R-Chee, you are the perfect inspiration for all of the bliss and joy in my paintings!

How does your furbaby show you their BLISS?
Please leave us a note and let us know!
We cannot wait to hear and see!
Melissa & Archie