Inspiring Yarn Paintings & A FaveCrafts Radio Spot!


Hi everyone!


I am so excited to share the fun news that I was interviewed on FaveCrafts Radio last week by the very creative and talented host, Pat Sloan.


She is an amazing quilter, artist and designer and has a Craft Radio Show where she treats listeners to creative ideas and featured guests who offer tips, project ideas, & product reviews about projects on and so much more.


The show is all about discovering the crafter in you!

I am honored to be included as a designer on and to have had the opportunity to share my love of Yarn Painting on her Feb 2, 2011 radio show.

My interview starts at 10:00 minutes in if you would like to fast forward into the show to listen to my segment.

I had so much fun!
Speaking of yarn painting and sharing…
I am so excited to show you the absolutely amazing yarn paintings friends have recently done and shared with me!
The joy I feel when I see them gives me goosebumps! 🙂

Here are two yarn paintings of Tweedles that her talented and loving mom, Georgie made!

Aren’t they amazing?

And my friend Gretchen made this portrait of her puggy Lola!
The texture, creativity and loving expressions of all 3 paintings inspire me more than words can say!

Both Georgie and Gretchen made their yarn paintings from photographs they took of their puggies.

You do not need to know how to draw to make these amazing works of art!

Please click here to read my yarn painting tutorial on how I created a corgi yarn painting from a photo of my sister’s sweet dog named Moe.

and speaking of my wonderful sister, Melanie, here are her two yarn paintings that she made of a brown bear we saw in Alaska and a snowman!

I am busy working on more yarn paintings that I will be able to show you soon!
Thank you for taking the time to play, share and have fun with me and Emmitt.
You all mean the world to me!
Melissa & Emmitt