New ~ Groovy Pugs and Groovy Dogs Fabric

“Groovy Pugs”
100% Cotton Fabric
Available in my Etsy Shop!

I am so excited to announce that I now have 2 fabric designs,”Groovy Dogs” and “Groovy Pugs“, available in my Etsy Shop.

“Groovy Dogs”
100% Cotton Fabric

Available in my Etsy Shop!

The “Groovy Pugs” design has 16 different black and fawn pugs created from my original pug paintings.

The “Groovy Dogs” design has 16 different dogs and pugs created from my paintings.

The breeds included in the “Groovy Dogs” design are Bulldog, Schnauzer, Corgi, Boston Terrier, Westie, French Bulldog, Rottweiler, Chihuahua, Dalmatian, Yorkie, Husky, Black Pugs and Fawn Pugs.

In addition, the Fabric On Demand Design Contest is still going on!
If you would like to vote for “Groovy Dogs” to win the honor of covering 4 chairs and for us to win $500 please vote here. We are design # 207, and we can all vote once a day through July 31st with the winner to be announced on Emmitt’s 13th Birthday, August 1st, 2009.
Thank you so much for all of your votes, support, encouragement and feedback. It really means the world to me! I could not do any of this without you!
Happy Thursday everyone!

Customer Photo Gallery ~ Knox Loves his New Dog Bed!

My friend Janet B. from PA just rescued 3 more puggies to add to her family and now has 7! Bless her heart. She is so wonderful.
A few weeks ago, Janet emailed me to let me know she was going to meet and pick up one pug and she came home with 3. I smiled and knew what happened! She could not leave any of them behind.
Here is Knox who just came home on Saturday. I think he has claimed the new dog bed as his already!
Welcome home Knox, Becca and Butch and thank you Janet for sharing the photo for our Customer Photo Gallery!
I love receiving your feedback, photos and stories! Please feel free to contact me anytime!
I would love to post your pug photos and stories in the Customer Photo Gallery and the Quarterly Newsletter in the Meet The Pugs section.

for the Pug Notes Quarterly Newsletter!
The Fall Newsletter will arrive in your inbox in October. Please sign up to receive your very own copy.
Emmitt and I are already working on it and would love to share his favorite recipe, photos, stories and events! It is jam packed with fun!

A Bunch of Groovy Dogs Needs your Votes!

Hi Everyone! 
I need your assistance in accomplishing something fun! 🙂

 I am so excited!

I have created a fabric design and entered it into a contest on .

The winner receives $500.

We can all vote once a day until July 31st and the winner will be announced August 1st which just happens to be Emmitt’s 13th birthday!

Here is my design called Groovy Dogs

The contest shows the fabric recovering a set of chairs. Isn’t that fun!

Our design is #207 and can be found here…

Groovy Dogs is on the 4th page. To find it just click the arrow 3x, and then click on the second thumbnail, #207.

To cast your vote, please just click the message above the picture to send them an email.

Feel free to bookmark the site and vote as many days as you would like this month.

Thank you so much for your help and support!

I know we can win!

Melissa & Emmitt